Effects of early childhood education and care on child development

CARE recently released a review of research on the effects of early childhood education and care (ECEC) on child development. CARE recommends that countries should strive to provide all children with high-quality Early Education and Care.

The report 'A review of research on the effects of early childhood education and care (ECEC) on children development' was made by Edward Melhuish, Katharina Ereky-Stevens, Konstantinos Petrogiannis, Anamaria Ariescu, Efthymia Penderi, Konstantina Rentzou, Alice Tawell, Paul Leseman, and Martine Broekhuisen.

Read executive summary of the report

In the video below, CARE researcher and co-author Edward Melhuish, from Oxford University, discusses the highlights of the report, particularly the long-term benefits of high-quality ECEC for children’s educational achievement and socio-emotional development in .

He says:

“Our recommendations are that countries should strive to provide all children with high-quality Early Education and Care, and that this should be regarded as part of the infrastructure for the good social and economic development of any modern country”.

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