Freie Universität Berlin

Yvonne Anders

Prof. Dr. 

Phone number: +49 30 838 51675

E-mail: Yvonne.

Personal page 

Prof. Dr. Yvonne Anders is a full professor of education with a focus on early childhood education at Freie Universität Berlin since 2012. As of 2013 she is also a research professor at the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin. Earlier she worked as a researcher at several universities and research institutes (e.g. University of Bamberg, Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, Institute of Education of the University of London, University of Münster). Her key areas of research are the quality of Early Childhood Education and Care and its impact on children’s development, professional competencies of ECEC staff, and international comparative analyses of ECEC quality and its impact. She is the principal investigator of several research projects. Some examples are the evaluation of the governmental initiative “Early chances: focus daycare centres for language and integration” (2012-2014), the evaluation of the model program KIDZ phase V (2012-2015) and the study “Easy Steps into Science” (2013-2016). 

Hans-Günther Rossbach

Prof. Dr.

Phone number: +49 0951/863-3519


Personal page

Prof. Dr. Hans-Günther Rossbach holds the chair of Elementary and Family Education at the University of Bamberg. Education and academic career: German Diplom (equivalent to MSc) in Educational Science at the University of Münster, Germany, 1977. PhD in Educational Science, University of Münster, Germany, 1981. Habilitation in Educational Science, University of Münster, Germany, 1993. Senior Researcher at the Department of Educational Science, University of Münster, Germany, 1981-1995. Full Professor of Didactis at the University of Lüneburg, Germany, 1995-2002. Since 2002: Chair of Elementary and Family Education at the University of Bamberg, Germany. Since August 2012: Director of the National Educational Panel Study, University of Bamberg, Germany. Research interests: Early childhood education, primary education, cross-national and longitudinal educational research. International research publications on preschool quality and effects of preschool education programs and professional competencies of (preschool) teachers. 

Hannah Ulferts


Phone number: +49 30 838-57968


Personal page

Hannah Ulferts is a PhD student at the department of Early Childhood Education at the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) since 2012. Before that she worked as a research assistant at the department of Personality Development at the Humboldt University of Berlin. She studied psychology at the Universities of Magdeburg and Potsdam and worked as a student research assistant at the department of Educational Psychology. For her graduation thesis she conducted a study on children's motivation, frequency and skills in reading.

Her main research interests are questions of which different aspects constitute high quality of math education, how quality relates to children’s math development and which factors influence this relationship, as well as how much centers differ in their capability to foster math development. In the context of CARE she combines and contrasts results from different studies of various European countries that study the impact of ECEC’s quality on children's development.

Franziska Wilke


Phone number: +49 (30) 838 60417


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Franziska Wilke is a PhD Student, working at the department of Early Childhood Education at the Freie Universität Berlin since 2013. Her main research interests concern effects of institutional care on children’s development and educational disparities in the early childhood. She finished her studies in educational research at the Freie Universität Berlin with a thesis focused on the influence of families for the transition from kindergarten to primary school.

Since that time she worked as a research assistant in the contexts of Empirical Educational Research (Department of Pedagogy and Psychology) and elementary-school pedagogy (Universität Potsdam). She was also a scholarship-holder in the framework program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research that supports the Empirical Educational Research. As part of CARE she’s involved in WP2, especially in the multiple case studies. 

Elisabeth Resa


Phone number: +49 30 838-60412


Personal page

Elisabeth Resa is a PhD student at the department of Early Childhood Education at the Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) since the beginning of 2015. Before that she worked as a student research assistant at the same department and as a research assistant at PädQUIS - Pädagogische Qualitäts-Informations-Systeme GmbH.  Using data from the evaluation of the German preschool initiative “Early Chances” she wrote her Master thesis on the question how the rate of children with a migration background in early child care on group and center level relates to the quality of language environment.

Her main research interests are quality and effects of early childhood education and care, language education in daycare centers and child language and literacy competencies as well as early educational inequalities. Within the context of care she coordinates the German part of the stakeholder study, a survey among parents, caregivers and policymakers focusing on values, beliefs, and experiences of people who have an interest in early education and care from different perspectives.